Thursday, April 06, 2006

Enron's synergistic corruption

"When Jeff Skilling got Lasik on his eyes, everyone at Enron got Lasik."

I mixed up the dates for the Matthew Barney show at Barbara Gladstone, so instead I watched Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room. The 2005 documentary tells an absorbing tale of "synergistic corruption," full of damning footage and memorable quotes. Most interesting is the characterization of Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling as former nerds who made it big. But they don't compare with Lou Pai, former head of Enron Energy Services, who left Enron with more money than anyone because he sold all his stock after he divorced his wife to marry his stripper girlfriend who was having his child. (See, I don't remember this particular detail being on the news.) This passage is helpfully supplemented with generous footage of strippers in nightclubs.

That's probably the best part about the documentary, apart from the music; when the footage runs low, there's lots of skydivers and daredevils falling through the air.

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