Wednesday, June 14, 2006

New Wall Street blog

New to me is DealBreaker, an "online business tabloid and Wall Street gossip blog" from Elizabeth Spiers, previously the editor-in-chief of and a contributing writer and editor at New York Magazine. According to her bio, she was the founding editor of and was formerly an equity analyst. You can bet that this one will be blocked at the office.

I especially liked the link to Twelve Things Economists Need to Remember to Be Helpful Journalistic Sources:

3. Get over your snobbery about local television news. This is a genuine opportunity to reach the public. Learn to use it. Remember that the local TV reporter’s gasoline-price story this evening will be seen by 300,000 people. Your op-ed will be read by 20,000, if you are lucky. Your journal articles will be seriously read by 12.

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